April, 27, 2024. The Guardian. The Anxious Generation wants to save teens. But the bestseller’s anti-tech logic is skewed.
March, 6, 2023. The Guardian. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
May, 20, 2022. ScienceDaily. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
July, 14, 2021. CNN. Don’t fall into the nuclear family ‘parent trap’: What kids need most is love.
October, 29, 2020. The Independent. Children born to same-sex parents do better at school, study suggests.
February, 6, 2019. The Washington Post. Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study finds.
January, 7, 2019. The Wall Street Journal. Real Time Economics: The State of the Economy and of Economics.


  1. May, 10, 2024. FactReview. Επιστημονικά αβάσιμοι ισχυρισμοί για την ψυχολογική υγεία και ανάπτυξη των παιδιών που μεγαλώνουν με γονείς του ίδιου φύλου.
  2. May, 9, 2024. Mail & Guardian. Come elections, critical thinking skills are key to fighting fake news.
  3. April, 28, 2024. The Conversation. Have smartphones created an ‘anxious generation’? Jonathan Haidt sounds the alarm.
  4. April, 27, 2024. MSN. The Anxious Generation wants to save teens. But the bestseller’s anti-tech logic is skewed.
  5. April, 27, 2024. inkl. The Anxious Generation wants to save teens. But the bestseller’s anti-tech logic is skewed.
  6. April, 27, 2024. The Guardian. The Anxious Generation wants to save teens. But the bestseller’s anti-tech logic is skewed.
  7. February, 29, 2024. Yahoo! News. Do U.S. Public Schools Really Need 77,000 More Counselors?
  8. February, 29, 2024. Aol. Do U.S. Public Schools Really Need 77,000 More Counselors?
  9. February, 29, 2024. Reason Magazine. Do U.S. Public Schools Really Need 77,000 More Counselors?
  10. January, 28, 2024. Newsbeast. Πόση σημασία έχει για το παιδί εάν μεγαλώσει με ομοφυλόφιλους ή ετεροφυλόφιλους γονείς.
  11. January, 24, 2024. DTNEXT. Data Overdrive: Dems Vs Reps: Who spots fake news more?
  12. January, 23, 2024. The Street Journal. Democrats vs. Republicans: Who spots fake news more?
  13. January, 22, 2024. Die Heutigen Nachrichten. Wer kann es besser erkennen?
  14. January, 22, 2024. Deutsche Welle. Democrats vs. Republicans: Who spots fake news more?
  15. January, 12, 2024. Le Figaro Etudiant. Les élèves sont loin d’être au maximum de leurs capacités, et ce sont les scientifiques qui le disent.
  16. January, 11, 2024. Ladylike. Πώς μεγαλώνουν τα παιδιά ομόφυλων ζευγαριών; Η αποστομωτική απάντηση της επιστήμης.
  17. January, 11, 2024. Ethnos. Γονεϊκότητα ομόφυλων ζευγαριών και ψυχική υγεία των παιδιών: Πώς απαντάει η διεθνής έρευνα στο ζήτημα.
  18. January, 11, 2024. Biglobe. 「弟のいる長女のほうが文系を選びやすく年収が16%も低い」きょうだいガチャが人生に及ぼす意外な影響.
  19. 2023

  20. December, 6, 2023. Kek Mama. Bewezen: kinderen van gescheiden ouders hebben een grotere kans om zelf kinderloos te blijven.
  21. December, 5, 2023. De Ochtend – Radio 1. Kinderen van gescheiden ouders hebben zelf minder kinderen: “Ze gaan ook makkelijker scheiden”.
  22. December, 5, 2023. Gazet van Antwerpen. Ouders gescheiden? Dan blijf je later zelf vaker kinderloos: “We moeten meer oog hebben voor hun mentaal welzijn”.
  23. December, 5, 2023. De Morgen. Onderwijseconoom deed onderzoek naar kinderen van gescheiden ouders: ‘Ze hebben later minder kinderen en presteren minder goed op school’.
  24. December, 5, 2023. Het Nieuwsblad. Welke impact heeft scheiding op de kinderen? Nieuw onderzoek geeft meer inzicht: “We zien dat ze ook makkelijker scheiden”.
  25. December, 5, 2023. De Standaard. Zijn je ouders gescheiden? Dan heb je zelf meer kans om kinderloos te blijven.
  26. November, 12, 2023. Baltijas Balss. Воспитанные гей-парами дети учатся лучше сверстников — исследование.
  27. September, 19, 2023. Adn40. El desarrollo de un bebé tiene nada que ver con la orientación sexual de sus padres, según estudio.
  28. September, 12, 2023. Il Blog di Beppe Grillo. Le persone di destra sono più propense a diffondere le fake news.
  29. September, 11, 2023. Provita & Famiglia. Gli studi a favore delle “famiglie” arcobaleno sono inconsistenti. Lo ammette anche Nature.
  30. August, 25, 2023. Newswise. For Whom the School Bells Toll: New Psychological Research for the New Academic Year.
  31. June, 30, 2023. Newseria. Fake newsy są często rozpowszechniane przez przypadek. Najczęściej robią to mężczyźni o poglądach prawicowych.
  32. June, 28, 2023. BNR Nieuwsradio. Ben Tiggelaar Podcast – Zo beinvloeden jouw ouders – je hele leven lang – jouw carrière.
  33. May, 28, 2023. Focus. Chi vota a destra è più propenso a diffondere fake news (ma non lo fa apposta).
  34. May, 23, 2023. Adevarul. Tinerii și conservatorii, mai vulnerabili în fața știrilor false. Cum s-a ajuns la această concluzie.
  35. May, 18, 2023. TechInsider. Фейковыми новостями чаще делятся люди консервативных взглядов, но они никого не хотят обмануть.
  36. May, 16, 2023. Opera News. Surveys in UK and Germany suggest conservatives more likely to share fake news but usually without deception.
  37. May, 16, 2023. Surveys in UK and Germany suggest conservatives more likely to share fake news but usually without deception.
  38. May, 12, 2023. IFLScience. Conservatives More Likely To Spread Fake News, But Mostly Don’t Mean To.
  39. April, 15, 2023. The Wire Science. Pseudoscience Cannot Mask the Prejudice of Ex-Judges Opposing Same-Sex Marriage.
  40. March, 29, 2023. NEMO Kennislink. Studiekeuze: zo ouder, zo kind.
  41. March, 7, 2023. MSN. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
  42. March, 7, 2023. Swift Telecast. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
  43. March, 6, 2023. The Guardian. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
  44. March, 6, 2023. Yahoo! News. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
  45. March, 6, 2023. Illuminati Press. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
  46. 2022

  47. November, 17, 2022. Science&Vie. Les écoliers n’utiliseraient que trois quarts de leur potentiel intellectuel selon une étude.
  48. September, 17, 2022. Illustreret Videnskab. Har børn brug for både en mor og en far?
  49. June, 27, 2022. AllInc!. Academia should include LGBT+ researchers.
  50. June, 17, 2022. CounterPunch. Children Raised by Same Sex Parents are Thriving.
  51. June, 7, 2022. MDPI Blog. Insights from MDPI Top 5 Picks—May.
  52. May, 30, 2022. Trust My Science. Les élèves n’exploitent que les trois-quarts de leurs capacités, selon une étude.
  53. May, 26, 2022. The County Weekly News. Children raised by same-sex parents just as well-adjusted socially, study finds.
  54. May, 26, 2022. The Community Press. Children raised by same-sex parents just as well-adjusted socially, study finds.
  55. May, 26, 2022. Kingston This Week. Children raised by same-sex parents just as well-adjusted socially, study finds.
  56. May, 26, 2022. Today’s Farmer. Children raised by same-sex parents just as well-adjusted socially, study finds.
  57. May, 25, 2022. UPI. Children of same-sex parents as well-adjusted as others.
  58. May, 25, 2022. HealthDay. Another Study Finds Kids of Same-Sex Parents Do Just Fine.
  59. May, 25, 2022. U.S.News. Another Study Finds Kids of Same-Sex Parents Do Just Fine.
  60. May, 24, 2022. Follow This Trending World. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
  61. May, 23, 2022. newKerala. Children with same-sex parents as well adjusted as those with different-sex parents, finds study.
  62. May, 23, 2022. Latestly. Children with Same-sex Parents as Well Adjusted as Those with Different-sex Parents, Finds Study.
  63. May, 23, 2022. Devdiscourse. Children with same-sex parents as well adjusted as those with different-sex parents, finds study.
  64. May, 23, 2022. Study: Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
  65. May, 21, 2022. Galileu. Ter pais do mesmo sexo não afeta sociabilidade ou o desenvolvimento emocional das crianças, comprova estudo.
  66. May, 21, 2022. Alert Breaking News. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
  67. May, 21, 2022. Swift Telecast. Children With Same-Sex Parents Are Socially Well-Adjusted — ScienceDaily.
  68. May, 21, 2022. Mirage News. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
  69. May, 20, 2022. National Post. Children raised by same-sex parents just as well-adjusted socially, study finds.
  70. May, 20, 2022. ScienceDaily. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
  71. May, 20, 2022. EurekAlert!. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
  72. May, 20, 2022. Roze Golf. Kinderen met ouders van gelijk geslacht doen het heel goed.
  73. May, 19, 2022. RTV Utrecht. Utrechts onderzoek: ‘Kinderen met ouders van gelijk geslacht doen het hartstikke goed’.
  74. March, 27, 2022. Financieele Dagblad. Klassen met twintig kinderen werken het best.
  75. March, 3, 2022. Didactief. Drie vragen aan… Deni Mazrekaj.
  76. February, 21, 2022. AllInc!. LGBT+ talent is a big opportunity for employers in a tight labor market.
  77. February, 7, 2022. New Business Radio. People Power Podcast – LHBT+ talent grote kans voor werkgevers in krappe arbeidsmarkt.
  78. 2021

  79. December, 21, 2021. Bi Community News. Different for Bis: Bisexuality Research.
  80. November, 1, 2021. OUTinPerth. Study suggests kids with same-sex parents do better at school.
  81. October, 31, 2021. World of Wonder. Oxford Study: Kids of Same-Sex Parents Do Better in School.
  82. August, 13, 2021. Academike. How Far Are We From Granting Adoption Rights for Same-Sex Couples in India?.
  83. August, 10, 2021. Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen. Die «Ehe für alle» ist nicht für alle.
  84. July, 22, 2021. Yahoo! News. Single gay dads give tips for first-time parents: ‘I created the village around myself’.
  85. July, 14, 2021. Washington’s Top News. Don’t fall into the nuclear family ‘parent trap’: What kids need most is love.
  86. July, 14, 2021. CNN. Don’t fall into the nuclear family ‘parent trap’: What kids need most is love.
  87. July, 9, 2021. India Education Diary. Machine Learning Can Help Identify Politically Connected Firms.
  88. May, 26, 2021. Contexts. Are Same-Sex Parents’ Kids All Right?
  89. March, 23, 2021. Medical News Today. What are some lesbian pregnancy options?
  90. February, 20, 2021. Gay Blog Br. Estudo conclui que filhos de casais gays se saem melhor nas escolas.
  91. February, 11, 2021. Pink Alliance. New study finds children of same-sex couples do better in school.
  92. 2020

  93. December, 15, 2020. Wprost. Naukowcy: Dzieci wychowywane przez pary jednopłciowe lepiej radzą sobie w szkole.
  94. November, 27, 2020. GayEcho. Deca gej roditelja su bolja u školi.
  95. November, 25, 2020. The Society Pages. Kids of Same-Sex Parents Succeeding in School.
  96. November, 24, 2020. Nova. Deca gej roditelja su bolja u školi od dece strejt parova.
  97. November, 22, 2020. AllInc!. New Study: Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school.
  98. November, 9, 2020. Metro Weekly. Study finds children of same-sex parents perform better in school.
  99. November, 6, 2020. OUTtv. Onderzoek concludeert: Kinderen van gay ouders doen het beter op school.
  100. November, 3, 2020. Flair. Cette étude défend l’éducation des enfants issus de couples homosexuels.
  101. November, 3, 2020. Grazia. Les Enfants Nés De Parents De Même Sexe Réussiraient Mieux À L’école Que Les Autres, Selon Une Étude.
  102. November, 2, 2020. The Indian Express. Kids born to same-sex parents perform better at school, study finds.
  103. November, 2, 2020. Star Observer. Children of Same-Sex Parents Perform Better Academically.
  104. November, 2, 2020. Têtu. Les enfants élevés par des couples homoparentaux ont plus de chances de réussir à l’école.
  105. November, 2, 2020. Q News. Children of same-sex parents do better at school, study finds.
  106. November, 1, 2020. Mamba Online. Study: Kids raised by same-sex parents do better at school.
  107. October, 31, 2020. Instinct. Kids of Same-Sex Parents Do Better In School, Study Says.
  108. October, 31, 2020. Neg Zone. I Bambini Delle Famiglie Arcobaleno Sono Più Bravi a Scuola, Lo Dice uno Studio.
  109. October, 30, 2020. Yahoo! News. It’s official, children born to same-sex parents do better at school than other kids.
  110. October, 30, 2020. Pink News. It’s official, children born to same-sex parents do better at school than other kids.
  111. October, 30, 2020. LGBTQ Nation. Kids raised by same-sex couples do better in school.
  112. October, 30, 2020. Metro. Children raised by same-sex parents do better in school, study finds.
  113. October, 30, 2020. Advocate. Kids of Same-Sex Parents Perform Better Academically, Study Says.
  114. October, 30, 2020. Cape Town ETC. Dutch study finds children of same-sex parents perform better at school.
  115. October, 30, 2020. Urban Fusions. Les enfants élevés par des parents de même sexe réussissent mieux à l’école, selon une étude.
  116. October, 30, 2020. C News. Les enfants élevés par des parents gays sont meilleurs à l’école, selon une étude.
  117. October, 29, 2020. The Independent. Children born to same-sex parents do better at school, study suggests.
  118. October, 29, 2020. Queer. Studie: Kinder aus Regenbogenfamilien sind schlauer.
  119. October, 28, 2020. Večernji list. Istraživanje pokazalo: Djeca koju odgajaju gay roditelji imaju bolje rezultate u školi.
  120. October, 28, 2020. Refresher. Děti párů stejného pohlaví dosahují ve škole lepších výsledků než děti heterosexuálů, ukázala nizozemská studie.
  121. October, 27, 2020. UNILAD. Children Raised By Same-Sex Parents Perform Better At School, Study Finds.
  122. October, 19, 2020. Obozrevatel. Дети из гомосексуальных семей успешнее в учебе, чем их сверстники – исследование.
  123. October, 19, 2020. UAZMI. Дети из гомосексуальных семей успешнее в учебе, чем их сверстники – исследование.
  124. October, 19, 2020. 4ever Science. Дети гомосексуальных нидерландских пар оказались успешнее сверстников.
  125. October, 18, 2020. Delfi. Tyrimas: vaikai iš homoseksualių šeimų mokosi ne blogiau, o net geriau.
  126. October, 15, 2020. Letidor. Дети из гомосексуальных пар оказались успешнее других сверстников.
  127. October, 15, 2020. Lenta. Дети из гомосексуальных пар оказались успешнее сверстников в учебе.
  128. October, 15, 2020. Homosensual. Hijos de familias homoparentales tienen mejores calificaciones.
  129. October, 15, 2020. Business Keys. Дети из гомосексуальных пар оказались успешнее сверстников в учебе.
  130. October, 14, 2020. Quo. Los Hijos de Parejas Homosexuales Sacan Mejores Notas.
  131. October, 14, 2020. Knife Media. В Нидерландах дети гомосексуальных пар учатся лучше сверстников.
  132. October, 14, 2020. Nazology. Children of same-sex couples tend to perform well at school!
  133. October, 14, 2020. N+1. Дети гомосексуальных нидерландских пар оказались успешнее сверстников.
  134. October, 13, 2020. El Exprés. Hijos criados por familias homoparentales tienen mejor desempeño escolar.
  135. October, 12, 2020. El Financiero. Los hijos criados por familias homoparentales tienen mejor desempeño escolar, señala estudio.
  136. October, 9, 2020. Psych News Daily. In the Netherlands, children of gay and lesbian parents actually do better at school.
  137. October, 9, 2020. The Telegraph. Children of same-sex parents do better at school, study claims.
  138. October, 9, 2020. De Standaard. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren beter op school.
  139. October, 9, 2020. Dutch Multimedia. Kinderen met ouders van hetzelfde geslacht doen het beter op school.
  140. October, 9, 2020. Such WoW. In the Netherlands, children of gay and lesbian parents actually do better at school.
  141. October, 8, 2020. The Brussels Times. Children with same-sex parents do better at school, study shows.
  142. October, 8, 2020. VRT. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren volgens onderzoek beter op school.
  143. October, 8, 2020. De Telegraaf. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren beter op school.
  144. October, 8, 2020. Het Belang van Limburg. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren beter op school.
  145. October, 8, 2020. Het Laatste Nieuws. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren beter op school.
  146. October, 8, 2020. Het Nieuwsblad. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren beter op school.
  147. October, 8, 2020. De Morgen. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren (iets) beter op school.
  148. October, 8, 2020. Roze Golf. Kinderen van homoseksuele ouders doen het beter op school.
  149. 2019

  150. December, 31, 2019. Bolde. Kids Raised By Same-Sex Parents Do Better In School, Study Suggests.
  151. May, 2, 2019. Christian Concern. New evidence confirms same-sex parenting assessment.
  152. February, 27, 2019. Gays With Kids. Kids Raised by LGBTQ Parents Do Better in School, Says New Study.
  153. February, 14, 2019. Proud Parenting. New study: Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school.
  154. February, 10, 2019. The Connecticut Mirror. Connecticut education needs a new direction from the top.
  155. February, 10, 2019. Hartford Courant. Children of same-sex couples all right in school.
  156. February, 10, 2019. Orlando Sentinel. Study: Children of same-sex parents perform better in school.
  157. February, 10, 2019. LGBTI. Nova studija pokazala da djeca iz istospolnih obitelji postižu bolji uspjeh u školi.
  158. February, 9, 2019. The Lily. A new study finds that children of same-sex couples do better in school.
  159. February, 8, 2019. EDGE Media Network. New Study Confirms: Kids with Same-Sex Parents Do Better at School.
  160. February, 8, 2019. blue News. Katholische Studie: Kinder aus Regenbogenfamilien sind bessere Schüler.
  161. February, 8, 2019. Esquire. I figli delle coppie omosessuali vanno meglio a scuola.
  162. February, 7, 2019. New York Post. Kids with same-sex parents get better grades, study says.
  163. February, 7, 2019. Mombian. Children of Same-Sex Couples Do Better in School Than Peers? Let’s Be Careful Here.
  164. February, 7, 2019. LGBTQ Nation. That study that says kids with gay parents do better in school doesn’t actually say that.
  165. February, 7, 2019. Instinct. New Study Indicates Children Raised By Same-Sex Parents Do Better In School.
  166. February, 7, 2019. CroL. Nova studija, i to Katoličkog sveučilišta, pokazala da djeca iz istospolnih obitelji postižu bolji uspjeh u školi.
  167. February, 6, 2019. The Washington Post. Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study finds.
  168. February, 6, 2019. The Boston Globe. Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study finds.
  169. February, 6, 2019. National Post. Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study finds.
  170. February, 6, 2019. Pink News. Kids raised by same-sex couples do better at school, study says.
  171. February, 6, 2019. Romper. Kids Raised By Same-Sex Parents Are Excelling In School, According To New Research.
  172. January, 7, 2019. The Wall Street Journal. Real Time Economics: The State of the Economy and of Economics.
  173. 2017

  174. September, 1, 2017. Knack. Wat zijn de zwakke plekken van ons onderwijs?
  175. June, 2, 2017. De Standaard. Geen diploma? Dat kost u later 37 procent loon.
  176. 2015

  177. November, 12, 2015. Het Nieuwsblad. Een op drie Antwerpse jongeren is schoolverlater.
  178. November, 12, 2015. Gazet van Antwerpen. Een op drie Antwerpse jongeren is schoolverlater.
  179. November, 10, 2015. De Tijd. Wallonië is concreter over schooluitval.
  180. November, 10, 2015. Trends. Er is meer individuele coaching nodig.
  181. November, 10, 2015. La Libre. Décrochage scolaire: les francophones sous-estiment le phénomène.
  182. November, 10, 2015. L’Echo. Moins de jeunes claquent la porte de l’école.
  183. November, 10, 2015. Le Soir. Un jeune sur dix en décrochage scolaire.