April, 27, 2024. The Guardian. The Anxious Generation wants to save teens. But the bestseller’s anti-tech logic is skewed.
March, 6, 2023. The Guardian. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
May, 20, 2022. ScienceDaily. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
July, 14, 2021. CNN. Don’t fall into the nuclear family ‘parent trap’: What kids need most is love.
October, 29, 2020. The Independent. Children born to same-sex parents do better at school, study suggests.
February, 6, 2019. The Washington Post. Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study finds.
January, 7, 2019. The Wall Street Journal. Real Time Economics: The State of the Economy and of Economics.
- May, 10, 2024. FactReview. Επιστημονικά αβάσιμοι ισχυρισμοί για την ψυχολογική υγεία και ανάπτυξη των παιδιών που μεγαλώνουν με γονείς του ίδιου φύλου.
- May, 9, 2024. Mail & Guardian. Come elections, critical thinking skills are key to fighting fake news.
- April, 28, 2024. The Conversation. Have smartphones created an ‘anxious generation’? Jonathan Haidt sounds the alarm.
- April, 27, 2024. MSN. The Anxious Generation wants to save teens. But the bestseller’s anti-tech logic is skewed.
- April, 27, 2024. inkl. The Anxious Generation wants to save teens. But the bestseller’s anti-tech logic is skewed.
- April, 27, 2024. The Guardian. The Anxious Generation wants to save teens. But the bestseller’s anti-tech logic is skewed.
- February, 29, 2024. Yahoo! News. Do U.S. Public Schools Really Need 77,000 More Counselors?
- February, 29, 2024. Aol. Do U.S. Public Schools Really Need 77,000 More Counselors?
- February, 29, 2024. Reason Magazine. Do U.S. Public Schools Really Need 77,000 More Counselors?
- January, 28, 2024. Newsbeast. Πόση σημασία έχει για το παιδί εάν μεγαλώσει με ομοφυλόφιλους ή ετεροφυλόφιλους γονείς.
- January, 24, 2024. DTNEXT. Data Overdrive: Dems Vs Reps: Who spots fake news more?
- January, 23, 2024. The Street Journal. Democrats vs. Republicans: Who spots fake news more?
- January, 22, 2024. Die Heutigen Nachrichten. Wer kann es besser erkennen?
- January, 22, 2024. Deutsche Welle. Democrats vs. Republicans: Who spots fake news more?
- January, 12, 2024. Le Figaro Etudiant. Les élèves sont loin d’être au maximum de leurs capacités, et ce sont les scientifiques qui le disent.
- January, 11, 2024. Ladylike. Πώς μεγαλώνουν τα παιδιά ομόφυλων ζευγαριών; Η αποστομωτική απάντηση της επιστήμης.
- January, 11, 2024. Ethnos. Γονεϊκότητα ομόφυλων ζευγαριών και ψυχική υγεία των παιδιών: Πώς απαντάει η διεθνής έρευνα στο ζήτημα.
- January, 11, 2024. Biglobe. 「弟のいる長女のほうが文系を選びやすく年収が16%も低い」きょうだいガチャが人生に及ぼす意外な影響.
- December, 6, 2023. Kek Mama. Bewezen: kinderen van gescheiden ouders hebben een grotere kans om zelf kinderloos te blijven.
- December, 5, 2023. De Ochtend – Radio 1. Kinderen van gescheiden ouders hebben zelf minder kinderen: “Ze gaan ook makkelijker scheiden”.
- December, 5, 2023. Gazet van Antwerpen. Ouders gescheiden? Dan blijf je later zelf vaker kinderloos: “We moeten meer oog hebben voor hun mentaal welzijn”.
- December, 5, 2023. De Morgen. Onderwijseconoom deed onderzoek naar kinderen van gescheiden ouders: ‘Ze hebben later minder kinderen en presteren minder goed op school’.
- December, 5, 2023. Het Nieuwsblad. Welke impact heeft scheiding op de kinderen? Nieuw onderzoek geeft meer inzicht: “We zien dat ze ook makkelijker scheiden”.
- December, 5, 2023. De Standaard. Zijn je ouders gescheiden? Dan heb je zelf meer kans om kinderloos te blijven.
- November, 12, 2023. Baltijas Balss. Воспитанные гей-парами дети учатся лучше сверстников — исследование.
- September, 19, 2023. Adn40. El desarrollo de un bebé tiene nada que ver con la orientación sexual de sus padres, según estudio.
- September, 12, 2023. Il Blog di Beppe Grillo. Le persone di destra sono più propense a diffondere le fake news.
- September, 11, 2023. Provita & Famiglia. Gli studi a favore delle “famiglie” arcobaleno sono inconsistenti. Lo ammette anche Nature.
- August, 25, 2023. Newswise. For Whom the School Bells Toll: New Psychological Research for the New Academic Year.
- June, 30, 2023. Newseria. Fake newsy są często rozpowszechniane przez przypadek. Najczęściej robią to mężczyźni o poglądach prawicowych.
- June, 28, 2023. BNR Nieuwsradio. Ben Tiggelaar Podcast – Zo beinvloeden jouw ouders – je hele leven lang – jouw carrière.
- May, 28, 2023. Focus. Chi vota a destra è più propenso a diffondere fake news (ma non lo fa apposta).
- May, 23, 2023. Adevarul. Tinerii și conservatorii, mai vulnerabili în fața știrilor false. Cum s-a ajuns la această concluzie.
- May, 18, 2023. TechInsider. Фейковыми новостями чаще делятся люди консервативных взглядов, но они никого не хотят обмануть.
- May, 16, 2023. Opera News. Surveys in UK and Germany suggest conservatives more likely to share fake news but usually without deception.
- May, 16, 2023. Surveys in UK and Germany suggest conservatives more likely to share fake news but usually without deception.
- May, 12, 2023. IFLScience. Conservatives More Likely To Spread Fake News, But Mostly Don’t Mean To.
- April, 15, 2023. The Wire Science. Pseudoscience Cannot Mask the Prejudice of Ex-Judges Opposing Same-Sex Marriage.
- March, 29, 2023. NEMO Kennislink. Studiekeuze: zo ouder, zo kind.
- March, 7, 2023. MSN. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
- March, 7, 2023. Swift Telecast. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
- March, 6, 2023. The Guardian. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
- March, 6, 2023. Yahoo! News. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
- March, 6, 2023. Illuminati Press. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well as in other families – study.
- November, 17, 2022. Science&Vie. Les écoliers n’utiliseraient que trois quarts de leur potentiel intellectuel selon une étude.
- September, 17, 2022. Illustreret Videnskab. Har børn brug for både en mor og en far?
- June, 27, 2022. AllInc!. Academia should include LGBT+ researchers.
- June, 17, 2022. CounterPunch. Children Raised by Same Sex Parents are Thriving.
- June, 7, 2022. MDPI Blog. Insights from MDPI Top 5 Picks—May.
- May, 30, 2022. Trust My Science. Les élèves n’exploitent que les trois-quarts de leurs capacités, selon une étude.
- May, 26, 2022. The County Weekly News. Children raised by same-sex parents just as well-adjusted socially, study finds.
- May, 26, 2022. The Community Press. Children raised by same-sex parents just as well-adjusted socially, study finds.
- May, 26, 2022. Kingston This Week. Children raised by same-sex parents just as well-adjusted socially, study finds.
- May, 26, 2022. Today’s Farmer. Children raised by same-sex parents just as well-adjusted socially, study finds.
- May, 25, 2022. UPI. Children of same-sex parents as well-adjusted as others.
- May, 25, 2022. HealthDay. Another Study Finds Kids of Same-Sex Parents Do Just Fine.
- May, 25, 2022. U.S.News. Another Study Finds Kids of Same-Sex Parents Do Just Fine.
- May, 24, 2022. Follow This Trending World. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
- May, 23, 2022. newKerala. Children with same-sex parents as well adjusted as those with different-sex parents, finds study.
- May, 23, 2022. Latestly. Children with Same-sex Parents as Well Adjusted as Those with Different-sex Parents, Finds Study.
- May, 23, 2022. Devdiscourse. Children with same-sex parents as well adjusted as those with different-sex parents, finds study.
- May, 23, 2022. Study: Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
- May, 21, 2022. Galileu. Ter pais do mesmo sexo não afeta sociabilidade ou o desenvolvimento emocional das crianças, comprova estudo.
- May, 21, 2022. Alert Breaking News. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
- May, 21, 2022. Swift Telecast. Children With Same-Sex Parents Are Socially Well-Adjusted — ScienceDaily.
- May, 21, 2022. Mirage News. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
- May, 20, 2022. National Post. Children raised by same-sex parents just as well-adjusted socially, study finds.
- May, 20, 2022. ScienceDaily. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
- May, 20, 2022. EurekAlert!. Children with same-sex parents are socially well-adjusted.
- May, 20, 2022. Roze Golf. Kinderen met ouders van gelijk geslacht doen het heel goed.
- May, 19, 2022. RTV Utrecht. Utrechts onderzoek: ‘Kinderen met ouders van gelijk geslacht doen het hartstikke goed’.
- March, 27, 2022. Financieele Dagblad. Klassen met twintig kinderen werken het best.
- March, 3, 2022. Didactief. Drie vragen aan… Deni Mazrekaj.
- February, 21, 2022. AllInc!. LGBT+ talent is a big opportunity for employers in a tight labor market.
- February, 7, 2022. New Business Radio. People Power Podcast – LHBT+ talent grote kans voor werkgevers in krappe arbeidsmarkt.
- December, 21, 2021. Bi Community News. Different for Bis: Bisexuality Research.
- November, 1, 2021. OUTinPerth. Study suggests kids with same-sex parents do better at school.
- October, 31, 2021. World of Wonder. Oxford Study: Kids of Same-Sex Parents Do Better in School.
- August, 13, 2021. Academike. How Far Are We From Granting Adoption Rights for Same-Sex Couples in India?.
- August, 10, 2021. Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen. Die «Ehe für alle» ist nicht für alle.
- July, 22, 2021. Yahoo! News. Single gay dads give tips for first-time parents: ‘I created the village around myself’.
- July, 14, 2021. Washington’s Top News. Don’t fall into the nuclear family ‘parent trap’: What kids need most is love.
- July, 14, 2021. CNN. Don’t fall into the nuclear family ‘parent trap’: What kids need most is love.
- July, 9, 2021. India Education Diary. Machine Learning Can Help Identify Politically Connected Firms.
- May, 26, 2021. Contexts. Are Same-Sex Parents’ Kids All Right?
- March, 23, 2021. Medical News Today. What are some lesbian pregnancy options?
- February, 20, 2021. Gay Blog Br. Estudo conclui que filhos de casais gays se saem melhor nas escolas.
- February, 11, 2021. Pink Alliance. New study finds children of same-sex couples do better in school.
- December, 15, 2020. Wprost. Naukowcy: Dzieci wychowywane przez pary jednopłciowe lepiej radzą sobie w szkole.
- November, 27, 2020. GayEcho. Deca gej roditelja su bolja u školi.
- November, 25, 2020. The Society Pages. Kids of Same-Sex Parents Succeeding in School.
- November, 24, 2020. Nova. Deca gej roditelja su bolja u školi od dece strejt parova.
- November, 22, 2020. AllInc!. New Study: Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school.
- November, 9, 2020. Metro Weekly. Study finds children of same-sex parents perform better in school.
- November, 6, 2020. OUTtv. Onderzoek concludeert: Kinderen van gay ouders doen het beter op school.
- November, 3, 2020. Flair. Cette étude défend l’éducation des enfants issus de couples homosexuels.
- November, 3, 2020. Grazia. Les Enfants Nés De Parents De Même Sexe Réussiraient Mieux À L’école Que Les Autres, Selon Une Étude.
- November, 2, 2020. The Indian Express. Kids born to same-sex parents perform better at school, study finds.
- November, 2, 2020. Star Observer. Children of Same-Sex Parents Perform Better Academically.
- November, 2, 2020. Têtu. Les enfants élevés par des couples homoparentaux ont plus de chances de réussir à l’école.
- November, 2, 2020. Q News. Children of same-sex parents do better at school, study finds.
- November, 1, 2020. Mamba Online. Study: Kids raised by same-sex parents do better at school.
- October, 31, 2020. Instinct. Kids of Same-Sex Parents Do Better In School, Study Says.
- October, 31, 2020. Neg Zone. I Bambini Delle Famiglie Arcobaleno Sono Più Bravi a Scuola, Lo Dice uno Studio.
- October, 30, 2020. Yahoo! News. It’s official, children born to same-sex parents do better at school than other kids.
- October, 30, 2020. Pink News. It’s official, children born to same-sex parents do better at school than other kids.
- October, 30, 2020. LGBTQ Nation. Kids raised by same-sex couples do better in school.
- October, 30, 2020. Metro. Children raised by same-sex parents do better in school, study finds.
- October, 30, 2020. Advocate. Kids of Same-Sex Parents Perform Better Academically, Study Says.
- October, 30, 2020. Cape Town ETC. Dutch study finds children of same-sex parents perform better at school.
- October, 30, 2020. Urban Fusions. Les enfants élevés par des parents de même sexe réussissent mieux à l’école, selon une étude.
- October, 30, 2020. C News. Les enfants élevés par des parents gays sont meilleurs à l’école, selon une étude.
- October, 29, 2020. The Independent. Children born to same-sex parents do better at school, study suggests.
- October, 29, 2020. Queer. Studie: Kinder aus Regenbogenfamilien sind schlauer.
- October, 28, 2020. Večernji list. Istraživanje pokazalo: Djeca koju odgajaju gay roditelji imaju bolje rezultate u školi.
- October, 28, 2020. Refresher. Děti párů stejného pohlaví dosahují ve škole lepších výsledků než děti heterosexuálů, ukázala nizozemská studie.
- October, 27, 2020. UNILAD. Children Raised By Same-Sex Parents Perform Better At School, Study Finds.
- October, 19, 2020. Obozrevatel. Дети из гомосексуальных семей успешнее в учебе, чем их сверстники – исследование.
- October, 19, 2020. UAZMI. Дети из гомосексуальных семей успешнее в учебе, чем их сверстники – исследование.
- October, 19, 2020. 4ever Science. Дети гомосексуальных нидерландских пар оказались успешнее сверстников.
- October, 18, 2020. Delfi. Tyrimas: vaikai iš homoseksualių šeimų mokosi ne blogiau, o net geriau.
- October, 15, 2020. Letidor. Дети из гомосексуальных пар оказались успешнее других сверстников.
- October, 15, 2020. Lenta. Дети из гомосексуальных пар оказались успешнее сверстников в учебе.
- October, 15, 2020. Homosensual. Hijos de familias homoparentales tienen mejores calificaciones.
- October, 15, 2020. Business Keys. Дети из гомосексуальных пар оказались успешнее сверстников в учебе.
- October, 14, 2020. Quo. Los Hijos de Parejas Homosexuales Sacan Mejores Notas.
- October, 14, 2020. Knife Media. В Нидерландах дети гомосексуальных пар учатся лучше сверстников.
- October, 14, 2020. Nazology. Children of same-sex couples tend to perform well at school!
- October, 14, 2020. N+1. Дети гомосексуальных нидерландских пар оказались успешнее сверстников.
- October, 13, 2020. El Exprés. Hijos criados por familias homoparentales tienen mejor desempeño escolar.
- October, 12, 2020. El Financiero. Los hijos criados por familias homoparentales tienen mejor desempeño escolar, señala estudio.
- October, 9, 2020. Psych News Daily. In the Netherlands, children of gay and lesbian parents actually do better at school.
- October, 9, 2020. The Telegraph. Children of same-sex parents do better at school, study claims.
- October, 9, 2020. De Standaard. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren beter op school.
- October, 9, 2020. Dutch Multimedia. Kinderen met ouders van hetzelfde geslacht doen het beter op school.
- October, 9, 2020. Such WoW. In the Netherlands, children of gay and lesbian parents actually do better at school.
- October, 8, 2020. The Brussels Times. Children with same-sex parents do better at school, study shows.
- October, 8, 2020. VRT. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren volgens onderzoek beter op school.
- October, 8, 2020. De Telegraaf. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren beter op school.
- October, 8, 2020. Het Belang van Limburg. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren beter op school.
- October, 8, 2020. Het Laatste Nieuws. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren beter op school.
- October, 8, 2020. Het Nieuwsblad. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren beter op school.
- October, 8, 2020. De Morgen. Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders presteren (iets) beter op school.
- October, 8, 2020. Roze Golf. Kinderen van homoseksuele ouders doen het beter op school.
- December, 31, 2019. Bolde. Kids Raised By Same-Sex Parents Do Better In School, Study Suggests.
- May, 2, 2019. Christian Concern. New evidence confirms same-sex parenting assessment.
- February, 27, 2019. Gays With Kids. Kids Raised by LGBTQ Parents Do Better in School, Says New Study.
- February, 14, 2019. Proud Parenting. New study: Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school.
- February, 10, 2019. The Connecticut Mirror. Connecticut education needs a new direction from the top.
- February, 10, 2019. Hartford Courant. Children of same-sex couples all right in school.
- February, 10, 2019. Orlando Sentinel. Study: Children of same-sex parents perform better in school.
- February, 10, 2019. LGBTI. Nova studija pokazala da djeca iz istospolnih obitelji postižu bolji uspjeh u školi.
- February, 9, 2019. The Lily. A new study finds that children of same-sex couples do better in school.
- February, 8, 2019. EDGE Media Network. New Study Confirms: Kids with Same-Sex Parents Do Better at School.
- February, 8, 2019. blue News. Katholische Studie: Kinder aus Regenbogenfamilien sind bessere Schüler.
- February, 8, 2019. Esquire. I figli delle coppie omosessuali vanno meglio a scuola.
- February, 7, 2019. New York Post. Kids with same-sex parents get better grades, study says.
- February, 7, 2019. Mombian. Children of Same-Sex Couples Do Better in School Than Peers? Let’s Be Careful Here.
- February, 7, 2019. LGBTQ Nation. That study that says kids with gay parents do better in school doesn’t actually say that.
- February, 7, 2019. Instinct. New Study Indicates Children Raised By Same-Sex Parents Do Better In School.
- February, 7, 2019. CroL. Nova studija, i to Katoličkog sveučilišta, pokazala da djeca iz istospolnih obitelji postižu bolji uspjeh u školi.
- February, 6, 2019. The Washington Post. Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study finds.
- February, 6, 2019. The Boston Globe. Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study finds.
- February, 6, 2019. National Post. Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study finds.
- February, 6, 2019. Pink News. Kids raised by same-sex couples do better at school, study says.
- February, 6, 2019. Romper. Kids Raised By Same-Sex Parents Are Excelling In School, According To New Research.
- January, 7, 2019. The Wall Street Journal. Real Time Economics: The State of the Economy and of Economics.
- September, 1, 2017. Knack. Wat zijn de zwakke plekken van ons onderwijs?
- June, 2, 2017. De Standaard. Geen diploma? Dat kost u later 37 procent loon.
- November, 12, 2015. Het Nieuwsblad. Een op drie Antwerpse jongeren is schoolverlater.
- November, 12, 2015. Gazet van Antwerpen. Een op drie Antwerpse jongeren is schoolverlater.
- November, 10, 2015. De Tijd. Wallonië is concreter over schooluitval.
- November, 10, 2015. Trends. Er is meer individuele coaching nodig.
- November, 10, 2015. La Libre. Décrochage scolaire: les francophones sous-estiment le phénomène.
- November, 10, 2015. L’Echo. Moins de jeunes claquent la porte de l’école.
- November, 10, 2015. Le Soir. Un jeune sur dix en décrochage scolaire.