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Ph.D. Students Katia Aviles Quiroz Supervisors: Deni Mazrekaj (daily supervisor), Floris Peters (daily supervisor), and Tanja van der Lippe Thesis: Labor Market Outcomes of LGBT People with a Migration Background 2024-2028 – Ph.D. Sociology …


Gedragsuitkomsten van kinderen met ouders van gelijk geslacht. (2023). Deni Mazrekaj, Mirjam M. Fischer, and Henny M. W. Bos. Neuron. 28 (9): 31-33. Als een doorsnee gezin niet meer traditioneel is. (2023). Open Access …


My 2-pages Curriculum Vitae can be downloaded HERE. My full Curriculum Vitae can be downloaded HERE.


2024 – Senior Teacher of the Year Award Utrecht University 2024 – Top Downloaded Article of 2023 Most downloaded article in the 13 ASA journals in 2023. American Sociological Association (ASA) 2023 – Top …


2024-2028 – Starters Grant (240,000 EUR) Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Project: The Labor Market Outcomes of LGBT People with a Migration Background Principal Investigator, together with Floris Peters 2024-2025 – Spark …


HIGHLIGHTED April, 27, 2024. The Guardian. The Anxious Generation wants to save teens. But the bestseller’s anti-tech logic is skewed. March, 6, 2023. The Guardian. Children of same-sex couples fare at least as well …


2024 Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics Seminar Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education Conference (LESE) 2023 Sciences Po Seminar Conference of the American Psychological Association LEER Conference on Education Economics Symposium on Same-Sex Parent Families 2022 …


Currently Teaching Methods and Statistics 1 (Coordinator, Lectures, Working Groups) 2021-2024 – MSc. Sociology and Social Research [English] Research Practicum 2: Social Network Analysis (Lectures, Working Groups) 2021-2024 – MSc. Sociology and Social Research …